FavId; Id-KLH; tumor idiotype antigen, recombinant, personalized–keyhole limpet hemaggluttin conjugate autologous priming of dendritic cells plus granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF, rDNA); idiotype-pulsed dendritic cell vaccination; B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma autologous immunoglobulin idiotype-KLH conjugate vaccine -- Product Record

Tumor Antigen-KLH Vaccine, rDNA

      Tumor Antigen-KLH Vaccine, rDNA [BIO]
      FavId [TR]
      B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma autologous immunoglobulin idiotype-KLH conjugate vaccine [SY]
      Id-KLH [SY]
      idiotype-pulsed dendritic cell vaccination [SY]
      tumor idiotype antigen, recombinant, personalized–keyhole limpet hemaggluttin conjugate autologous priming of dendritic cells plus granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF, rDNA) [SY]

    FDA Class:  Biologic BLA

Index Terms:

  • Product Class Index:
      biopharmaceutical products
      cancer treatment adverse effects
      exempt from CBER lot release requirements
      exempt from CBER lot release requirements
      recombinant DNA
      U.S. Standard Rabies Vaccine
      vaccines, bacterial
      vaccines, oral
  • Biological Index:
      acid conditions (low pH)
      alginate, propylene glycol
      autologous cells, human
      Bacteriostatic Water for Injection
      cA2, chimeric tumor necrosis factor Mab
      castor oil
      delayed-hypersensitivity (DH)
      Holt's media, modified
      lymphoblastoid cells, human
      tri-n-butyl phosphate (TNBP)
  • Chemical Index:
      Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) violations
      keratinocytes, human
      Protein A affinity chromatography
  • Source/Host/Expression System: Insect insectcell
  • Regulatory/Status Index:
      apheresis (hemapheresis)
      North American coral snake
      North American coral snake
      EU000 Not yet/Never filed with EU
      UM999 Not Available/Not Marketed in US
      US001 FDA application expected
      EM999 Not Available/Not Marketed in EU