The Status of the Infrastructure of Information Resources Supporting the U.S. Biopharmaceutical Industry -- Shades of Grey and Black

    Misc. biopharmaceutical information-related references:

  1. One Product, One Process, One Set of Specifications: A Proven Quality Paradigm for the Safety and Efficacy of Biologic Drugs, by T. Copmann, et al., BioPharm International (periodical), March 2001 [also published in Pharmaceutical Technology, March 2001].
  2. Biopharmaceuticals in the U.S. and European Markets, book (and Web site) by Ronald A. Rader, Biotechnology Information Institute, July 2005, 4th edition, 1234 pages). The first/only biopharmaceutical products reference book; concentrates on products' biotechnology and commercial aspects.
  3. Biotechnology Nomenclature and Information Organization, Zaborsky, O., et al., National Academy of Sciences, ~20 pages, 1986.
  4. The Infrastructure of Information Resources Supporting U.S. Biotechnology [Biotechnology Information: Into the 1990s], presented at the Capital Area Biotechnology Information Network (CABIN) meeting, December 1989. [many conclusions still apply]
  5. The Status of the Infrastructure of Information Resources Supporting U.S. Biotechnology, by R.A. Rader in The Impact of Chemistry on Biotechnology, American Chemical Society, 1988, p. 372-385. [many conclusions still apply]
  6. "An Overview of Biotechnology Information Resources," review from an industry perspective, in Trends in Biotechnology, November 1990, p. 318-23 [now dated; peer reviewed].